State Committees

LWVNJ Program Committees
LWVNJ Program Committees are led by members knowledgeable and active in one of the League’s policy program areas. We currently have six active statewide program committees:
The major roles of the Program Committees are to educate League members and advocate on state public policies.
As educators, committees might select one area to update our members on our League position and the current status of the law or it might provide background on a current public policy discussion in New Jersey. Committee members can do this by writing informative policy publications or preparing a meeting-ready program or speakers for local Leagues.

As advocates, committees recommend action on specific legislation, regulations or public policy areas to the League of Women Voters of New Jersey State Board. Such action might include joining a coalition; testifying on issues of concern; meeting with legislators or executive departments; issuing press releases; or writing letters to the editor or action alerts to our members.
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Program Committee Resources
LWVNJ Board Committees
The LWVNJ Board of Directors can establish committees to aid in developing and executing organizational strategy and projects in various areas. Any member of LWVNJ can join one of these committees.

The Board has established the following committees:
join a board committee