Women and Family Issues

The Women and Family Issues Committee researches critical policy issues, proposes women and family-centered action to the LWVNJ Board, and develops effective advocacy strategies for women and families.
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Reproductive Justice

LWVNJ believes that every pregnant person, regardless of income and in consultation with a qualified health care provider, has the right to decide whether or not to terminate a pregnancy.

our work
The LWVNJ Women and Family Issues Committee (WFIC) partnered with THRIVE NJ, to support passage of NJ’s Freedom of Reproductive Choice Act, which codified the constitutional right to freedom of reproductive choice, including abortion.

WFIC supports THRIVE’s work to pass legislation ensuring equal access to abortion for NJ’s most vulnerable individuals and for those with private insurance plans.
Contact your state legislators to urge them to support the Reproductive Equity Act! 
Email Your Legislator! 

Maternal Health

NJ needs to improve the health outcomes of its expectant and current mothers, especially those most vulnerable.

Our Work
WFIC supports First Lady Tammy Murphy’s Nurture NJ, multi-agency initiative that aims to make New Jersey the safest and most equitable place in the nation to deliver and raise a baby.

WFIC monitors NJ’s maternal health activities and seeks ways to advocate for maternal mental well-being, postpartum depression, and workplace protections for expectant mothers. In 2019 WFIC convened a statewide forum of leading voices on Maternal Mortality in NJ to focus attention on key issues and improve state outcomes.

Sexual Health Education

NJ needs effective, comprehensive sex education programming and minimum standards mandated by law.

our work
WFIC contributed to the development of curricula that is expected to be adopted by NJ districts. The new curricula (1) removes language prioritizing abstinence over other preventative methods, (2) establishes pregnancy options standards, (3) encourages the inclusion of gender-neutral language over gender-binary language, (4) includes sexual health care when referencing health care, and (5) removes shaming, stigmatizing and fear-based language in state-wide curricula. WFIC developed an advocacy plan that supports constituents’ engagement with their Boards of Education to adopt standards in their sex education curricula. WFIC members spoke at NJ national convention on Sexual Health Education.

The League of Women Voters of New Jersey sent a letter to Governor Murphy urging the administration to maintain the New Jersey Student Learning Standards for Comprehensive Health and Physical Education adopted by the State Board of Education in 2020.

Child Care

LWVNJ recognizes the challenges NJ families face regarding access to affordable, quality child care.

our work
WFIC tracks legislation related to accessible child care in NJ.
The Committee submitted testimony in favor of Senator Ruiz's Childcare Bill package and will continue to monitor its progress through the Senate.
The Committee submitted testimony in support of S3868, a bill which provides categorical eligibility for subsidized childcare services to qualifying childcare workers.
The Committee submitted testimony in support of A5166, to expand New Jersey's Family Leave progam.
“As a mom of a newborn and having to go back to work, I knew I needed child care. It is extremely difficult and nerve wracking right now in NJ to find child care. Something must change for families.”  

Naome C. Dunnell
Mom of 4
Take action by supporting the ReImagine Child Care Campaign!

Recent Actions

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